Monday, January 30, 2012

I Have a 1 Month Old!

I CAN NOT believe I have a 1 month old!
I still feel like we just were released from the hospital! Emma has grown a lot though! We had to take her into the doctor today because she was throwing up 2-3 times a day (poor baby)! Turns out she has reflux. So we just have to give her smaller feedings more frequently aka say goodbye to getting her to sleep through the night anytime soon! And we just need to prop her up when ever we lay her down. We can't lay her flat. And burp her before feedings, in the middle, after, and 5-10 minutes after that.
But! She is gaining weight! She is now up to 8 lbs 5 oz. 2 pounds to the ounce since we were released from the hospital! She's growing so fast! Here's a picture to measure her growth that I stole from my cousin Janette (thanks!).

Then we tried sending a video to my brother, but it was too big, so I'll just post it here. Just pretend she's saying "hi" to everyone, instead of just "uncle Davis."

(When I'm laughing, its because she's "tooting" at the moment)


1 comment:

  1. I got that idea from a friend of mine, so I guess it is just making the rounds.
    I love that hairbow, she is so cute!
