Friday, January 13, 2012

We Have a 2 Week Old!

Our cute baby girl is now 2 weeks old! Can you believe it? I can't! We took her to the doctor today and everything is going great! She's still a petite little thing! She's back up to her birth weight +1 oz. She's grown a quarter of an inch...and her umbilical cord is FINALLY off! (The doctor accidentally took it least that's what he said) Here are some cute pictures of our little princess. She's SO cute (of course I'm a little biased, but hey I'm her mom)

This isn't an official 2 week, but I had to show it...she just loves her binky! Can't you tell?

THESE are official 2 week pictures. She's so cute!

She loves her swing...and so does mommy!

This is one of my favorites. I didn't even pose her! She did it all on her own! She's already photogenic!

At 2 weeks she's managed to make cute and funny faces, not cry so much when she's getting a bath or her diaper is being changed (...however; we still need to work on her not peeing on us when we change her!) let some pretty big and loud ones (if you know what I mean), earn the nickname "hiccup" since she gets them about 3-4 times a day (poor baby), and just be stinkin' cute! We love our little girl. :)

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