Do you see this face?
She is not as innocent as she looks. Trust me.
Last night was a very interesting night for us! Grandma May left yesterday and of course Emma chooses the night after she leaves to be the most difficult! Here's our series of events...
First she decided to wake every hour to hour and a half (instead of her usual 3-4 hours!)
Then at her 3:00am feeding I changed her diaper, the minute I pick her back up...SQUIRT! All I have to say is at least she waited until the diaper was back on.
So after the second diaper change and a finished feeding I tried burping her. First off, Emma has a hard time burping, so after a few minutes I decided to lay down and I laid her on my chest and tried to burp her that way (you know where this is going, don't you?). After about 2 minutes...she burped!...but there was more than just air that came out of her mouth! Yup! A portion of what she just ate came up too! All over me! I had it in my hair (and not just a little), and running down my neck and chest. So I handed her over to Daddy and took a 4:00 in the morning! At least I didn't have to share any hot water!
Then this morning Daddy changed her diaper...this time she didn't wait for the new diaper. She just waited for him to take the diaper off to let loose! At least it wasn't #2!
So...needless to say, I got about 4 hours of sleep last night! Looking forward to the weekends to sleep doesn't exist any more. But...she's still worth it. She's lucky she's so cute!
Love those newborn faces. =) Hope you all are doing well!