Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7 Months Old

I realize I'm a day late, but this summer is crazy and is about to get crazier!  As much as I don't want school to start I'm almost ready for it just so things will get back to "normal."
Anyway, yes, Emma is now 7 months old.  My goodness how time flies! I realize I say that every time, but those are my honest thoughts.
So...this month

Food: Emma loves to eat anything you are eating.  Unless she is in her high chair she is constantly grabbing my plate or cup.  We've had some very close calls!  She drinks from a cup very well actually.  Unless she tries to tip it more and almost drowns herself!  As for baby food?  She's realized that fruits are much more sweet than vegetables so now she hates vegetables.  We try but she gives you this disgusted look, tries to swallow then gags it back up and spits it out.  So far the only vegetable she will still is is SWEET Potatoes.  Go figure.  You give her any fruit, however, and she has the jar gone in 5 minutes or less.
Teeth: No teeth yet, but her bottom 2 front buds are there and she's had days where you definitely know she's teething. I'm very nervous for when it comes full swing!

Sleep:  Oh goodness.  She is still sleeping through the night.  But still having troubles with self soothing.  We haven't had a consistent week home where we can really enforce this.  Again, I can't wait for life to calm down.  The other night though? I just wanted to cry.  She woke up at 1:50am and decided she was done sleeping and it was time to play.  After many MANY attempted tries of getting her to go back to sleep from both Tyler and I she finally cried (for 15 minutes) herself to sleep at 4:30am.  I was awake for 2 hours and 40 minutes with that child.  IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!  Then you think.."oh she at least slept in for you that morning." NOPE!  She was awake at 7:00!  And took normal naps throughout the day but luckily hasn't repeated the incident.  Crazy child.

Talking: She obviously can't talk yet but she loves to scream (happily).  This video is actually a very mild version of her screaming.  You should hear her in primary when the other kids are singing.  She out "sings" them all...combined!
 (Sorry for the orangey color!)
She's also been laughing more and more.  I swear it took us FOREVER to get her to laugh.  And now she gets very camera shy if she sees you filming.
 (Again its not the best video or example, but its the best we could get)

Emma also firmly believes you should never be on your back (unless you are sleeping and its hot)  You have no idea how hard it was to get these pictures.  The only way I can change her diaper is either pinning her arms to the ground or making ridiculous noises.  And to get her dressed in the morning she has to be sitting up or she tries to fling herself off the changing table by rolling onto her stomach.  Sill girl.

I guess the good thing about rolling over is that she is starting to learn to crawl (I'm actually very scared for this as she is into EVERYTHING even when she can't move!  That may sound weird but if you know her you know exactly what I mean)
I have confidence she will be crawling in the next few weeks.  Again, I'm very scared.

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