Tuesday, July 10, 2012

6 Months Old!

Oh my goodness!  So my friend just had her baby and I was talking to her a few weeks ago and said that the first 2 months go by really slow (at least they did for me) then after that they just fly by!

Emma had her doctors appointment last week.  She is still in the 50th percentile for weight at 16 lbs 1 oz.  She grew!...and is now in the 25th percentile for height (as apposed to 10th percentile) at 25 1/4 inches.  And she is still in the 90th percentile for her head...yes...she does have a big head.  One day the rest of her body will grow into it.
A few things about Emma...
Tummy vs. Back - Emma HATES to be laid on her back...the minute you lay her down she either cries or immediately rolls over...as you can see.

 She's even started sleeping either on her side or on her back.  Probably because its cooler that way...but you never know.
Sleep - she still sleeps through the night...thank goodness.  Usually 11 hours.  12 if we're lucky (or last night when she slept 13!).  However she got out of the habit of self-soothing and would only go to sleep if you rocked her to sleep.  Not that I don't enjoy that but then you lay her down and she freaks out until you rock her to sleep again and again until she finally stays asleep.  So now we are trying the the whole rock her til she's drowsy but still slightly awake then lay her down and let her cry for 5 minutes, then soothe, then 10 minutes, then soothe and so on method.  We were doing good...then we went to visit family and that just got shot in the dark so we're back to starting it again.  Hopefully it works fast.  She's already doing a little better on day 2!

Food:  She loves food.  She likes most all of the baby food we give her except for peas and carrots.  She's still thinking about bananas.  But she LOVES peaches, mixed fruit, apples, sweet potatoes and prunes (weird I know!) oh and Popsicles.and she likes squash, and sometimes bananas.  And she prefers Oatmeal over Rice cereal.  The doctor suggested we start doing egg yolks and pureed meat (sound disgusting to me) so we'll work on that.
She also LOVES to drink from a cup.  You can be feeding her her bottle and she will push it away and try and steal your cup.  Basically anything you are drinking she feels it should be hers.

Play - She still prefers to be held over all else.  If you are sitting next her and watching her play then she's fine, but the minute you stand up she freaks out.  She DOES NOT like to be left alone or feel like you are going to leave her alone.  Also, even sitting down with her on your lap can only last for so long.  The minute you stand up though she's as happy as can be and acts like she did not just throw a fit.

Movement - she can now sit alone...thank goodness.  She has also just found her feet in the last 2 weeks and loves to grab them and try and stick them in her mouth.  She obviously rolls over both ways, but prefers to roll onto her belly (unless she is sleeping) then she turns.  Whichever way you are she turns around in a circle until she can see you.  I really believe it is only a matter of weeks until she starts crawling.  Yikes!

Teeth? - Nope! Not yet...but she has her two bottom buds starting and every now and then she has a day where all she will eat is popsicles.  I'm a little scared for when her teething comes full swing.  She's a lot like me...she doesn't handle pain very well.  Even if she is sitting and falls back she starts screaming!

But we still love her and think she's adorable.

And getting SO big!!

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