My cute little baby is 7 weeks old today! She is growing so fast! This week we've moved her up to size 1 diapers and have stopped using some of her newborn clothing. Which I am a little sad about. :( But we still have some cute outfits to look forward too.
She's doing better with her reflux. Had a big problem last weekend so Tyler gave her a blessing and things have been on the up since then. Thank heavens for the Priesthood.
She's been doing better at night too! For that past 3 nights she had slept for a 5-6 hour stretch! It's been wonderful! And she actually went to bed on time once this week!
She's staying awake more in the day and is starting to respond when you talk to her.
She's a doll...and a stinker too. She likes to smile at you after she poops. If she knows mom and dad are still awake she feels she should be too. And if its after 6:30 in the morning she feels she should be in bed with mom and dad until they get up. She grunts at you if you make noise while she's sleeping and decides she wants to be held when you really need to get something done. The joys of parenthood. But we love it!
I love her, and I haven't even met her! =)