Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ode to Tyler

I realize this is a day late, but yesterday was CRAZY busy...especially with the little one (yesterday was NOT her day). But I still wanted to post about my wonderful husband whose birthday it was.Besides being very cute...I mean handsome, here are some other great things about Tyler,

1. He's a very good husband. He takes out the trash, does the dishes, is a full-time student and pays our bills! And he's pretty funny from time to time. ;)

2. He's VERY stubborn. Very. But sometimes its a good thing. (Emma picked up that trait from HIM!)

3. He's competitive. Very competitive. How else do you think he snagged me? ;)
4. He enjoys dressing up and has a good sense of style. :)
5. We'll look good together even when we're old! (notice I still look pretty young, but he IS older than me)
6. He is a wonderful father. (yes, that is Emma and not a doll he is holding)
7. He is a very kind and loving person who will not kill me for posting these pictures.

8. He doesn't like odd numbers.


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