Wednesday, April 9, 2014

7 Months

Our little Lydi-bug is 7 months old now!  That's so crazy!  The first child's year kinda went by slow, but the second? Man.  I just don't get it.

This month was good...
-We FINALLY got rid of her double ear infection...after about 6 weeks!  After two different antibiotics and some zyrtec it finally went away.  Thank goodness.
-she sits up very well on her own.  Still won't crawl/army/crawl/scoot/whatever you want to call it.  Every time I try and get her to try just just lays her head down and smiles.  Stinker.
-Likes to eat food now.  She will finally eat baby long as there is fruit mixed in.  Her favorite food is pears though.  She get REALLY excited when she eats pears.  I love it.
She also desperately wants to eat "big people food."  She honestly just stares at Tyler when he eats, almost begging him to give her a bite.
    Here she is sucking the caramel off a wrapper.  The tears are because we tried to take it away from her.

-She also likes to try and "feed" herself.  Really she just tries to take the spoon away from me when I attempt to feed her.  It gets REALLY annoying, because she's actually very quick.
-She finally has a tooth!  Her second one is due any day now.  And I really wish it would have come yesterday, or last week, or last month, because she is a terrible teether.  Poor kid.
-She loves to look at herself in the mirror.  Like today for example; she was cranky and whining so I stuck her in front of the mirror and she IMMEDIATELY perked up and just sat and smiled at herself for a very long time.  At least she knows she's pretty.
-Her favorite thing to do is to make noises with her mouth.  She is constantly putting her fist to her mouth and doing the "ba ba ba ba" sound.  She also likes to grab my finger and stick it to her mouth and move it up and down and do that noise (I don't know how write that one down).

She gets very proud of herself.

Overall she's a cute, happy baby who enjoys being held and watching her sister.

And at least she smiles for the camera now!

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