Thursday, September 5, 2013

Introducing...Lydia Jane Anderson

We have a new addition to our family!  Lydia Jane came into this world at 6:49 am on Wednesday, September 4th, 2013...and what a way she came!  I woke up at 5:00am feeling some contractions.  They were 5 minutes apart but not very painful, and I didn't want to be sent home so I waited until they were closer together and more intense.  By 6:00 I told Tyler he needed to call someone to come sit with Emma.  My contractions were about 2 minutes apart and I was in a lot of pain.  He called a lady we know and said he'd go outside and wait for her.  I could tell Lydia was very low because my contractions seemed to be going all the way down.  When Tyler came back inside with Sister Schmidt I was screaming in the bathroom.  I had started bleeding and couldn't help but push...which freaked us out because I tested positive for GBS and needed to be on an antibiotic for 4-6 hours before I should deliver.  Obviously freaked out, I was rushed to get to the hospital.  We made it to the door before my water broke.  Then as we opened the door to the car my water REALLY broke (by now it is 6:30am).  We made it to the hospital in 5 minutes (thank goodness there were no cars or cops).  We quickly convinced the nurses that I needed a room and I needed it now.  They put me in the first room they could find (not even a labor/delivery room) and checked to see how far down the baby was.  Needless to say I was past crowning. I was in SO much pain I just wanted an epidural!  Delirious, I asked the nurse for one and she just said, "oh honey, you're way past that point.  You're going o-nat-ur-al here!"  I pushed maybe 5-7 times and she was born!
She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and is 19 1/4 inches long.
We joke now to be careful, and specific what you pray for because we were praying I would have a smooth recovery and no catheter (like I did with Emma) and I got what I wanted, just forgot to specify about the whole I don't want to feel pain I want an epidural part!
Anyway, we have been very blessed and Lydia is doing wonderful, no signs of GBS and my recovery has been wonderful!
Here is what you all are really reading this post :)

More to come later...especially since we just realized the pics we have of just Lydia are on our phones. :)


  1. Wow! What a story! Congratulations on your new beautiful baby girl!

  2. I'm sooooooooooo happy for you! She is beautiful!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! What a crazy story! So glad you made it in time. Hope all is going well :)

  4. Love that first picture of you girls!!
