Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our New Apartment!

Well only a couple of weeks longer before our BIG DAY! May 20th couldn't come sooner though! But, really things are really exciting right now. Everything seems to be falling into place...we have an apartment up in Logan where we're moving all our stuff into, of course Mandy won't move into the apartment til we're married (we aren't gonna be dirty) and I am getting all settled in with work at Wells Fargo and registered for school at Utah State. I am really enjoying working at this new branch and really like the atmosphere and my co-workers. School in the fall will be great and I'm official with an AGGIE student I.D. card and everything!!!

We got an excellent deal on a washer and dryer...both only cost us $200 and they work really well so we were happy about that purchase. We also bought our first couch at DI and it only cost us $40, with a little scrubbing it is looking a lot better and with a few other touches our apartment will look great...we are waiting to see what other gifts we get before we go crazy with decorating. Mandy sure seems to be enjoying putting everything in it's place. I like to see her get all giddy about it too!

The next big worry on our minds is that while I am working part-time and going to be going to school in the Fall, it means that Mandy will need to find a job so that she can help us survive financially. It is hard because Mandy hasn't really had success in finding a teaching job up here in Logan and she gets worried about it a lot. HOWEVER, what I do know is that we are meant to be together, we are meant to be up here in Logan...we both felt prompted in that regard and feel that we've followed the guidance of the Holy Ghost in these if that is what is true, then I know that just as things have worked out for me, so will they for her. I know that Father in Heaven will not leave us abandoned and that He knows of our needs...He will provide a way. I have faith that just as we are married, Mandy will find a job that she can enjoy and we will succeed, Heavenly Father wouldn't have us fail in our marriage and if other couples survive and make it through all the changes and transitions, struggles and shall we! I have faith that we will be successful and happy. I thank my Father in Heaven for His love and tender mercies which He so abundantly pours out upon us. May He continue to do so...I know He will. That is an update on our life in these days prior to that special day where we will enter the House of the Lord and there partake of the covenants, blessings, and joy that He has made available for us.

1 comment:

  1. Cute apartment! I know that Heavenly Father will provide. He always does!!! =)
